Kiln Widget enables the activate of earn feature without requiring extensive technical resources. Whether you have a dedicated development team or not, you can integrate Kiln Widget with ease.
You need a dashboard organization, if it's not already the case, ask kiln team so that we can onboard you.
Have some deployed products on mainnet, if it's not already the case, kiln can provide test product for your testing and trial integration.
Optional : have customize your widget, you can directly upload your configuration via API and soon in Kiln dashboard directly
To integrate kiln widget in your platform, you just need to embed you widget URL in an iFrame, it can work on any tech stack and even in no-code tools.
Kiln provides a deeplink mechanism that allows seamless redirection into the different pages between overview, deposit and withdraw.
To enhance your platform's capabilities, consider integrating specific features of the Kiln Widget. For instance, if you already have an existing native earn section, you can redirect users to the Kiln Widget for deposit transactions. After a transaction is signed, seamlessly bring the user back to your platform.
Access your widget using the configured slug
, this will automatically pull your configuration including theme and available earn products. In this document we refer to this as "base url" or "your widget".
By default if you redirect the user to "your widget" the overview page, it's will show all the user active and potential position based on the products you enabled in your widget.
To redirect the user to this page you need to add the /overview
after your base URL.
If you want to open the widget direct on the deposit flow, you will need to add /earn
after your base URL.
On this page, you can use the following path params to further customize the deposit flow.
Here’s the improved Kiln Widget Deeplink Integration Guide with a clearer query parameters table, better type definitions, select options, detailed descriptions, and examples.
Example Deeplinks
Users can freely choose deployment and asset:
Locking a specific deployment and asset:
Prevent users from changing the predefined values:
Automatically send users back to your app after completing the deposit:
If you want to open the widget direct on the deposit flow, you will need to add /withdraw
after your base URL.