Rewards are received by a recipient address controlled by the Smart Contract and can be claimed by the validator owner.
For every validator deposited validators in the Onchain Dedicated smart contracts, there is a deterministically generated Ethereum address, controlled by the contract, set as withdrawal credentials of the validator.
This recipient address receives all the Consensus Layer rewards of the validator it is associated to. It also receives the unstaked amount upon exiting the validator.
Only the registered owner of the validator can claim this recipient address' balance.
Upon claiming their rewards, validator owners trigger commission dispatching, a process which sends the net rewards to the validator owner address and the remaining value to the different partners involved in the staking offering.
Send any multiple of 32 ETH and become owner of your dedicated Ethereum validators.
The deposit flow of Kiln Onchain dedicated products is straightforward: user sends any multiple of 32 ETH, either via a transfer or contract call transaction, to the Dedicated Staking smart contract and becomes owner of dedicated validators.
During this deposit transaction, the Kiln smart contracts deposit on validators previously registered by the Operator of the contracts the user staked on. User funds end up deposited and segregated on dedicated validators.
Anyone can verify that the validation key deposit data registered by the Operator in the Smart Contract are configured properly (correct signature and withdrawal credentials for example) before depositing, making the flow as trustless and transparent as possible.
Validator owner can exit and withdraw its staked balance at anytime.
The unstaking process happens in two steps:
Validator owner needs to request the exit of the validator through a smart contract call. This will emit an onchain event to notify the operator to perform the validator exit. Once the validator exit is performed by the operator, the validator join the Ethereum protocol exit queue before being fully withdrawn to the Kiln Onchain Dedicated corresponding CL Recipient address. This process can take from a couple days to weeks depending on the protocol activit.
Once the full balance of the validator has been withdraw to the corresponding CL Recipient address, the validator owner can perform a usual rewards claim contract call to receive its funds. Note that no commission is taken on the staked principal (32 ETH) when withdrawing it.