Since the recent "Fusion Upgrade", rewards are impacted by a new mechanism called "Dual Staking". See the "Staking Workflow" section below for more information.
Stake activation time
0-1 day (end of current round) 1 round = 1 day (00:00:00 to 23:59:59 UTC)
Unbonding time
You select the time period to lock up the BTC. To earn rewards, you must stake for an entire round. Staking for less than 24 hours or only part of a round will not qualify for rewards. Once the period has ended, you must redeem your BTC. You can't redeem your coins beforehand. Unredeemed coins don't earn rewards.
Rewards Distribution
Daily. CORE rewards are generated on a daily / per round basis and available to claim the following day / round.
Active Set
Top 25 by Voting Power
Only the validator's self-stake is at risk. The delegator's BTC can't incur slashing.
Stake activation time
0-1 day (end of current round) 1 round = 1 day (00:00:00 to 23:59:59 UTC)
Unbonding time
Rewards Distribution
Daily. CORE rewards are generated on a daily / per round basis and available to claim the following day / round.
Active Set
Top 25 by Voting Power
Only the validator's self-stake is at risk. The delegator's CORE can't incur slashing.
What is the staking process?
What is the reward claim process?
NOTE: Ensure you have some CORE in your wallet to pay gas fees for the initial rewards claim.
What is Dual Staking?
Dual staking was introduced during Core's "Fusion Upgrade" released in November of 2024. It is a mechanism that incentivizes BTC stakers to stoke CORE in order to boost their BTC staking rewards. It does so by reducing the "base reward" on staked BTC to boost rewards of higher tiers.
Your BTC staking rewards are determined by your CORE:BTC staking ratio:
If you stake less than 1,000 CORE per BTC: You receive the base rate
If you stake 1,000-2,999 CORE per BTC: You receive Level 1 boosted yield
If you stake 3,000-7,999 CORE per BTC: You receive Level 2 boosted yield
If you stake 8,000+ CORE per BTC: You receive Level 3 (maximum) boosted yield
For example, if you stake 10 BTC, you would need:
10,000 CORE for Level 1 boost
30,000 CORE for Level 2 boost
80,000 CORE for Level 3 (maximum) boost
How is commission paid?
Commissions are paid to the validator at the same frequency as the reward distribution (every round).
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CORE staking is comparable to other dPOS chains. Once the delegation happens, CORE tokens will be attributed to a chosen operator. Core DAO’s methodology for integrating bitcoin staking centers on . Basically, when users stake their BTC, they send a transaction to themselves, with a native timelock enforced on the output. Users can redeem the BTC after the timelock has ended (see image above).
You can find more details about Bitcoin Native Staking .
Visit: and connect your Wallet/custody solution.
The actual multiplier for each tier is dynamic and adjusts based on market supply and demand conditions. to see the current reward rate you would get by staking [X] BTC for [X] CORE. Important note: For tier changes to take effect, users must wait until the next 00:00 UTC after staking CORE, and then claim all existing rewards to reset the tier calculation system.