Unstake and withdraw your ADA rewards in Kiln Dashboard
You can unstake ADA by simply clicking "Unstake" on your stake. After that you will be able to connect your Fireblocks Vault and unstake your ADA.
You can withdraw your available ADA rewards, by selecting "Withdraw rewards" on the dashboard. After that you will be able to connect your Fireblocks Vault and withdraw your ADA rewards.
Please note that you need to restake to the same pool the stakes made prior to the Plomin Cardano hardfork that occurred on Jan 29th 2025 in order to withdraw available rewards.
This action will set up the required governance certificates attached to your stake to "always abstain".
There are two ways to unstake Ethereum validators with Kiln.
Following the Shapella upgrade, you can unstake your validators in a couple of clicks from the Kiln dashboard:
You can request multiple validators to exit by:
Selecting them on the dashboard and using the batch request exit button (ideal for specific stakes; otherwise, use option 2).
Using the batch request exit on the dashboard and adjusting the slider to auto-select stakes (for exiting many stakes simultaneously).
Inputting a list of validators in the requestExit
function with the bytes[] validators
On the dashboard you can see when a stake is pending to exit along with the estimated time it will take (look for the status Exit requested).
The addresses of our Ethereum Exit Contracts are as follows:
Make sure these contracts are whitelisted in your custody solution.
For more details on what happens behind the scenes when you unstake, check out this blog post.
In Option 1, you rely on Kiln processing the requestExit
message that you send via the Dashboard. Option 2 is a fully non-custodial approach we describe below.
The validator exit operation requires the validator’s validation key to sign a VoluntaryExit message and broadcast it to the Consensus Layer. It has become an industry standard that the validation keys are protected by the node operator themselves and are rarely shared with customers; having the same validation key in multiple places exposes the staker to slashing risks.
The problem we are trying to solve is the following:
As an ETH holder staking on dedicated ETH validators through a node provider, I want to be able to exit my validator without relying on the node operator to perform the VoluntaryExit task.
This is why at Kiln we developed a full flow to provide pre-signed VoluntaryExit messages to all our clients.
We built our ExitMessage API, which exposes signed VoluntaryExit messages of your validators, encrypted using your GPG key, this way guaranteeing that only you can access these messages. After getting these messages you can decrypt them and send them directly to a beacon chain node which will execute the exit.
Provide PGP/GPG public key
PGP/GPG key must be provided in order to encrypt the messages in our database and in the API
The public key can be shared with your CSM or Sales Engineer and they’ll share it internally
PGP/GPG private key must be stored in a safe place as it’ll be the only way to decrypt the messages.
Create integration with our getExitMessage
Request encrypted messages via getExitMessage
Decrypt exit messages with the private key that corresponds to the PGP public key shared
If you want to perform exits, broadcast the messages to a Beacon Chain node
For testing we usually use Nimbus open Beacon Nodes APIs:
Goerli/Prater: http://unstable.prater.beacon-api.nimbus.team/eth/v1/beacon/pool/voluntary_exits
Holesky: http://unstable.holesky.beacon-
Mainnet: http://unstable.mainnet.beacon-
The request must be a POST
with the following structure:
request example
Wait for exit queue + skimming cycle to get the ETH back to the withdrawal credentials of your validator(s). You have now unstaked!
If you have any questions on this flow, please don't hesitate to reach out to your CSM or SE.
Unstake, re-delegate and withdraw your FET rewards in Kiln Dashboard
You can unstake FET by simply clicking "Unstake" on your stake. After that you will be able to connect your Fireblocks Vault and unstake your FET.
Please keep in mind that the unstaked FET becomes unbonding and you will need to wait for 21 days before you can use those FET again.
Re-delegating an FET stake can be useful when you wish to move your staked FET to a different validator without waiting for the 21 days unbonding period happening when unstaking.
This can be done by selecting "Re-delegate" for an FET stake on the dashboard and specifying a new validator.
You can withdraw your available FET rewards, by selecting "Withdraw rewards" on the dashboard. After that you will be able to connect your Fireblocks Vault and withdraw your FET rewards.
Unstake, re-delegate and withdraw your TIA rewards in Kiln Dashboard
You can unstake TIA by simply clicking "Unstake" on your stake. After that you will be able to connect your Fireblocks Vault and unstake your TIA.
Please keep in mind that the unstaked TIA becomes unbonding and you will need to wait for 21 days before you can use those TIA again.
Re-delegating an TIA stake can be useful when you wish to move your staked TIA to a different validator without waiting for the 21 days unbonding period happening when unstaking.
This can be done by selecting "Re-delegate" for an TIA stake on the dashboard and specifying a new validator.
You can withdraw your available TIA rewards, by selecting "Withdraw rewards" on the dashboard. After that you will be able to connect your Fireblocks Vault and withdraw your TIA rewards.
1-click unstaking across major PoS chains
Unstake, re-delegate and withdraw your ATOM rewards in Kiln Dashboard
You can unstake ATOM by simply clicking "Unstake" on your stake. After that you will be able to connect your Fireblocks Vault and unstake your ATOM.
Please keep in mind that the unstaked ATOM becomes unbonding and you will need to wait for 21 days before you can use those ATOM again.
Re-delegating an ATOM stake can be useful when you wish to move your staked ATOM to a different validator without waiting for the 21 days unbonding period happening when unstaking.
This can be done by selecting "Re-delegate" for an ATOM stake on the dashboard and specifying a new validator.
You can withdraw your available ATOM rewards, by selecting "Withdraw rewards" on the dashboard. After that you will be able to connect your Fireblocks Vault and withdraw your ATOM rewards.
Unstake, re-delegate and withdraw your DYDX rewards in Kiln Dashboard
You can unstake DYDX by simply clicking "Unstake" on your stake. After that you will be able to connect your Fireblocks Vault and unstake your DYDX.
Please keep in mind that the unstaked DYDX becomes unbonding and you will need to wait for 30 days before you can use those DYDX again.
Re-delegating an DYDX stake can be useful when you wish to move your staked DYDX to a different validator without waiting for the 30 days unbonding period happening when unstaking.
This can be done by selecting "Re-delegate" for a DYDX stake on the dashboard and specifying a new validator.
You can withdraw your available DYDX rewards, by selecting "Withdraw rewards" on the dashboard. After that you will be able to connect your Fireblocks Vault and withdraw your DYDX rewards on a wallet
Limitations with some wallets
In some cases, you may not be able to directly move the DYDX-USDC rewards earned from your staking activities. To address this, you can bridge your available USDC balance from the dYdX chain to any Ethereum mainnet address directly from Kiln Dashboard.
Using the Noble Bridge
This bridging process leverages the Noble bridge, which is recommended by the dYdX Foundation and Circle.
The goal of this bridge is to bring your dYdX rewards in USDC on your ETH address so that you can use them for other purposes like depositing them on a centralized exchange to get some dYdX back redelegate them from kiln's dashboard.
Step-by-Step Bridging Process
From the Dashboard, under the DYDX section, click on the "Bridge to Ethereum" button above the stakes table.
A modal will appear and guide you through the following three steps:
Transfer USDC from dYdX to your wallet on the Noble chain.
Burn USDC on Noble via the Cross-Chain Transfer Protocol developed by Circle.
Mint USDC on the Ethereum mainnet to the address of your choice.
The goal of this bridge is to bring your dYdX rewards in USDC on another cosmos address here on Osmosis so that you can use them for other purposes like depositing them on a centralized exchange or a Swap on Osmosis to get some dYdX back redelegate them from kiln's dashboard.
Step-by-Step Bridging Process
From the Dashboard, under the DYDX section, click on the "Bridge to Osmosis" button above the stakes table.
Once you performed your bridge to ethereum or to a cosmos wallet like Kelpr or ForDeFi, you can reinvest the earned rewards back into DXDY token.
From your destination chain you can use any wallet to transfer the ETH-USDC, for example to an exchange or a marketmaker to purchase more DYDX and send them back to your dYdX address to stake them on Kiln's dashboard.
To save on fees you can leverage the bridge to osmosis feature to then perform a swap on osmosis. Then from osmosis asset page, find your DYDX token and click "withdraw".
Then edit your receipient address to the address you use to delegate in Kiln's dashboard, so that you will directly see the DYDX in your available balance and stake again one click.
Unstake, re-delegate and withdraw your INJ rewards in Kiln Dashboard
You can unstake INJ by simply clicking "Unstake" on your stake. After that you will be able to connect your Fireblocks Vault and unstake your INJ.
Please keep in mind that the unstaked INJ becomes unbonding and you will need to wait for 21 days before you can use those INJ again.
Re-delegating an INJ stake can be useful when you wish to move your staked INJ to a different validator without waiting for the 21 days unbonding period happening when unstaking.
This can be done by selecting "Re-delegate" for an INJ stake on the dashboard and specifying a new validator.
You can withdraw your available INJ rewards, by selecting "Withdraw rewards" on the dashboard. After that you will be able to connect your Fireblocks Vault and withdraw your INJ rewards.
Manage your SOL stakes in a few clicks!
Split a stake
Merge two stakes
Deactivate a stake
Withdraw a deativated stake
Unstake, re-delegate and withdraw your OSMO rewards in Kiln Dashboard
You can unstake OSMO by simply clicking "Unstake" on your stake. After that you will be able to connect your Fireblocks Vault and unstake your OSMO.
Please keep in mind that the unstaked OSMO becomes unbonding and you will need to wait for 14 days before you can use those OSMO again.
Re-delegating an OSMO stake can be useful when you wish to move your staked OSMO to a different validator without waiting for the 14 days unbonding period happening when unstaking.
This can be done by selecting "Re-delegate" for an OSMO stake on the dashboard and specifying a new validator.
You can withdraw your available OSMO rewards, by selecting "Withdraw rewards" on the dashboard. After that you will be able to connect your Fireblocks Vault and withdraw your OSMO rewards.
Unstake DOT with Kiln Dashboard in a few clicks!
On the /stake/dot
page of the dashboard you can check staking information about the network manage your staked DOT in a few clicks.
Once you have connected your Fireblocks vault account, you can see your staked amount, your amount being unstaked (unbonding amount) and the available DOT to withdraw.
Enter the amount you wish to unstake and click "Unstake". The amount will be unbonding for 28 days on mainnet (2 days on testnet).
After the unbonding period you will be able to withdraw the unbonded tokens.
Unstake KSM with Kiln Dashboard in a few clicks!
On the /stake/ksm
page of the dashboard you can check staking information about the network manage your staked KSM in a few clicks.
Once you have connected your Fireblocks vault account, you can see your staked amount, your amount being unstaked (unbonding amount) and the available KSM to withdraw.
Enter the amount you wish to unstake and click "Unstake". The amount will be unbonding for 7 days.
After the unbonding period you will be able to withdraw the unbonded tokens.
Unstake and withdraw your staked POL and your rewards in Kiln Dashboard
Unstaking POL tokens is a 2 step process.
First, you must unstake the tokens that you wish to withdraw.
You can do so by clicking "Unstake" on your stake. After that you will be able to connect you wallet and unstake your POL.
After you have unstaked some tokens, they will be available for withdrawals in 80 checkpoints (~3/4 days). The feature to withdraw unstaked POL is not yet available on the dashboard.
On Polygon, you also have the ability to withdraw rewards to your wallet or restake them to increase your reward rate. You need a minimum of 1 POL as available rewards in order to do so.
Unstake and withdraw your staked NEAR in Kiln Dashboard
Unstaking NEAR tokens is a 2 step process.
First, you must unstake the tokens that you wish to withdraw.
You can do so by clicking "Unstake" on your stake. After that you will be able to connect you wallet and unstake your NEAR.
After you have unstaked some tokens, they will be available for withdrawals in 3 epochs (~36 to 48h). After this period, you will be able to see that withdraw is available for your unstaked token. You can then click "Withdraw" and follow the same flow as unstaking.
Note that when you connect your NEAR wallet, you allow the dashboard to make contract calls on your behalf. This means that triggering an unstake or withdraw transaction will not prompt for your signature, it will use your wallet to sign and broadcast the transaction automatically. Your manual signature is required only when spending NEAR.
Unstake, re-delegate and withdraw your ZETA rewards in Kiln Dashboard
You can unstake ZETA by simply clicking "Unstake" on your stake. After that you will be able to connect your Fireblocks Vault and unstake your ZETA.
Please keep in mind that the unstaked ZETA becomes unbonding and you will need to wait for 21 days before you can use those ZETA again.
Re-delegating an ZETA stake can be useful when you wish to move your staked ZETA to a different validator without waiting for the 21 days unbonding period happening when unstaking.
This can be done by selecting "Re-delegate" for an ZETA stake on the dashboard and specifying a new validator.
You can withdraw your available ZETA rewards, by selecting "Withdraw rewards" on the dashboard. After that you will be able to connect your Fireblocks Vault and withdraw your ZETA rewards.
Unstake your TON in Kiln Dashboard
The unstaking feature is currently in beta, which may lead to some inconsistencies or delays, please contact Kiln customer success team if you face any issues
Transaction broadcasting can be slow during periods of high network congestion
Before diving into the unstaking process, it's important to understand the two main types of balances in the TON staking ecosystem:
Pool Balance: Funds available for immediate withdrawal
Elector Balance: Actively staked funds generating rewards
The unstaking process typically involves the following steps:
If you find that your Pool Balance already contains the amount you wish to unstake, you can skip this step and proceed directly to the step 3 - triggering the withdrawal.
This request signals your intention to move funds from the Elector Balance to the Pool Balance, making them available for withdrawal. Hover a pool line to click on "Request withdrawal", select the withdraw amount and click "Request withdraw". After that you will be able to connect your Fireblocks Vault and request withdraw of your TON.
The transfer of funds from the Elector Balance to the Pool Balance may take some time, depending on the network's current activity. When hovering the withdraw request status, you can see an estimate when this amount will be ready. At this stage, you can still cancel your withdraw request by clicking on "Delete withdraw request".
Once your funds have successfully moved to the Pool Balance, you can proceed to trigger the withdrawal. This final step should be instantaneous, provided that the funds are available in your Pool Balance. Remember to ensure you have sufficient TON in your wallet to cover any transaction fees that may apply during this process.
To proceed, click "Unstake" on the selected pool line:
Note that you can also unstake from your vesting contract by ticking the "unstake to vesting contract" checkbox. Funds will be returned to the vesting contract in this case. Please read more bellow if you are in this situation.
Select the amount you wish to unstake from the pool balance
Click unstake and sign the transaction using your Fireblocks account, depending on the network congestion this transaction can take a couple of minutes, please don't leave the unstake modal until you see the success message on your screen
If you're using a vesting contract, the unstaking procedure requires a slightly different approach:
The vesting contract acts as your nominator or staker, not your wallet
Connect the wallet that controls the vesting contract to unstake
When unstaking, tick the "unstake to vesting contract" checkbox
Unstaked funds will return to the vesting contract, not directly to your wallet, you can withdraw the unlocked TON from your vesting contract by using https://vesting.ton.org/