
Enable your users to stake any multiple of 32 ETH on dedicated Ethereum validators with commissions on-chain dispatching

High Level Flow

  1. Operator(s) upload validation keys deposit data to the Staking Smart Contract

  2. SYS_ADMIN of the Staking Smart Contract accepts those new key provisioning

  3. User deposits a multiple of 32 ETH in the Staking Contract

    1. User funds are matched to available approved keys (uniform repartition between operators)

    2. Smart Contract generates 2 recipient addresses for each key: a Consensus Layer rewards recipient and an Execution Layer rewards recipient (which are 2 unique addresses per validator)

    3. Validators are deposited through the official Ethereum Deposit Contract using those credentials

    4. User address is register as owner of the deposited validator(s) on the Staking smart contract

When validators generate rewards, they are accrued to the recipient addresses of the validator generated by the Staking Smart Contract.

  1. Anyone can trigger the withdraw of available rewards for a validator on the Staking Contract

    1. Commission of the integrator and the operator are computed on the available rewards received in the Contract

    2. Commission is dispatched to the Integrator and Operator

    3. Validator owner receives the net rewards on its wallet

Last updated