Reporting data
Reach out to Kiln to get access on the data endpoints.
There are 2 ways to query reporting data for Kiln DeFi:
Using Kiln Connect API (recommended): a simple REST API doing all aggregation for you
Using Kiln public TheGraph instances directly
Get a user position(s) and total rewards inside of Vault(s)
Route: GET /v1/defi/v1/stakes
Get a list of positions inside a list of vaults
Positions include current deposited balance and total rewards and withdrawn amounts
This data can be used to showcase current holdings of a user in Kiln DeFi vaults
Query parameters
: comma-separated list of wallet address to fetch position data forvaults
: comma-separated list of vaults, where each value has theprotocol_address
These are not exclusive and can be used together. Some use-cases could be:
query all current positions of a vault or a list of vaults
query all current positions of a user or a list of users
query all current positions of a user or a list of users within a vault or a list of vaults
Get Operations on a position
Route: GET /v1/defi/v1/operations
Get all operations performed on a list of positions inside a list of vaults
Operations include
operationsThis data can be used for accounting reconciliation
Query parameters
: comma-separated list of wallet address to fetch position data forvaults
: comma-separated list of vaults, where each value has theprotocol_address
These are not exclusive and can be used together. Some use-cases could be:
query all operations of positions on a vault or a list of vaults
query all operations of positions of a user or a list of users
query operations of positions of a user or a list of users within a vault or a list of vaults
Get Statistics of a vault
Route: GET /v1/defi/v1/network-stats
Query parameters
: comma-separated list of vaults, where each value has theprotocol_address
Last updated
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