Active contracts

If you want to perform your own code review, you can use the verified contract links on common block explorers like Etherscan.

All the code is available under the BUSL-1.1 licence.

Ethereum - batch-deposit by Kiln

Smart Contract

Ethereum - dedicated

Smart Contract

Consensus Layer Fee Dispatcher

Consensus Layer Fee Dispatcher (testnet)

Consensus Layer Fee Dispatcher Proxy

Consensus Layer Fee Dispatcher Proxy (testnet)

Execution Layer Fee Dispatcher

Execution Layer Fee Dispatcher (testnet)

Execution Layer Fee Dispatcher Proxy

Execution Layer Fee Dispatcher Proxy (testnet)

Staking Contract Ledger Live Proxy

Staking Contract Ledger Enterprise Proxy

Staking Contract Enzyme Proxy

Staking Contract Safe{Wallet}

Staking Contract Consensys/Metamask

Staking Contract Proxy (testnet)

Ethereum - pooling

Smart Contract

Oracle Aggregator (Coinbase Cloud Pool)

Oracle Aggregator (Coinbase Cloud Pool)

Oracle Aggregator (Kiln Pool)

ONTO Wallet Staked ETH (owsETH)

Staking Rewards Partial ETH (srpETH)

On-Chain Staked Ethereum (ocsETH)

CDP Staked ETH (CDPstakedETH)

Coinbase Wallet Staked ETH (cbwsETH)

CoolWallet Staked ETH (cwstETH) Defi Wallet ETH (cdwETH)

Walletverse Staked ETH (wvETH)

Giddy Wallet Staked ETH (GiddyETH)

CDP Staked ETH (CDPstakedETH)

Dakota Kiln Staked ETH (dkETH)

MEW_Coinbase Staked ETH (MEWcbETH)

Veno Kiln staked ETH (VenoKilnETH)

Last updated

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