Ethereum (ETH)
Download a report for all your ETH stakes, rewards and operations!
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Download a report for all your ETH stakes, rewards and operations!
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In the Ethereum validator table in the reporting page, you can hover the reward amount on each line to see the estimated next skimming date and amount for each of your validators.
When your stakes are related to an EigenLayer position, the Ethereum page will be updated with an EigenLayer section and your stakes will be showing an EigenLayer Logo if they are related to an EigenPod.
Total points across your EigenPod are displayed on the top of the section, the breakdown is visible in the table bellow the key metrics.
Total restaked balance :
Display the amount locked in your Eigenpods
note : if some of your balance is not yet restaked it will still be included in this balance, we are computing it based on the validators linked to your EigenPods.
Total available balance :
Is the balance you can request to withdraw from your EigenPod, it's generally CL rewards or Exited validators. To request withdraw, hover one EigenPod and click "Request Withdraw".
There is a 7-day queue to fulfill a withdraw request.
Withdraw balance :
This balance displays the amount you requested to withdraw, you will be able to see the amount that is in the withdraw queue under pending and in ready the amount that you can withdraw. To fulfill a withdraw request that is ready, hover one EigenPod and click "Withdraw".
Please refer to the Native EigenLayer Restaking Page to learn more about other possible operations your can trigger when you over an EigenPod : Restake, Delegate, Request Withdraw, Withdraw.
When you click "Import Stakes" on top of the stakes table, then make sure you selected the By EigenPod option so that you can import stakes using your EigenPod Address, this way you can have reporting across multiple EigenPod in one view.