
Use Kiln DeFi to provide a unique non-custodial DeFi experience to your users.

The problems addressed by Kiln DeFi

  1. Offering non-custodial DeFi access to users is hard: it requires building your own DeFi reporting stack and Smart Contracts to take a platform commission

  2. There is no easy way to monetize it: most blue-chip DeFi platforms stopped their referral programs, and building commercial agreement with them is either hard or is difficult to scale to many protocols.

  3. DeFi is a massive opportunity for crypto asset value creation, like stablecoins which are massively adopted by crypto users.

Introducing Kiln DeFi product suite

Kiln DeFi is a white-labelled EVM Smart Contract product that can be deployed on top of a DeFi protocol to pool user positions and dispatch management and performance fees to the platform integrating it.

Integrator can deploy a whitelabelled Kiln DeFi vault on top of any strategies available. Currently all assets used in AAVE v2, AAVE v3, Compound v2, Compound v3, Morpho AAVE and Morpho Compound lending platforms are supported and integrator can choose to deploy many of them to propose different strategies to their users.


Kiln DeFi is designed with the same principles than our other smart contract based products:

  1. Transparency: deposits, commissions dispatching or exits, everything happens on-chain and is easy to track via event emissions and simple view functions everyone can call.

  2. Security: depositing through this audited solution is designed to be non-custodial (* some parts will be upgradable for a certain timeframe), and a lot of on-chain and off-chain safety guards are in place to protect users funds and rewards.

  3. Flexibility: integrators have the choice between multiple defi protocol integration types and can create their custom offering with or without liquidity tokens, or with one or multiple operators.

Project Licence

Kiln DeFi is under the BUSL-1.1 licence, some smart contract public interfaces are under MIT licence.

Last updated