
Change the end user fee

FEE_MANAGER should be used to perform these actions.

Set the management fee

Management fee is taken at deposit time. You can set it by calling the setManagementFee(uint256 newManagementFee) where newManagementFee is the amount of assets (ie. ERC20) taken at each deposit.

Set the performance fee

Performance fee is computed based on the global rewards generated by the Vault. It can be set by calling the setManagementFee(uint256 newManagementFee) where newManagementFee is the fee in bps unit.

Change commission recipients

ADMIN should be used to perform these actions.

Set fee recipients

To set the difference recipients of the commissions, you can call the setFeeRecipients(FeeRecipient[] memory recipients) function where recipients is an array of the following structure:

struct FeeRecipient {
        address recipient;
        uint256 managementFeeSplit;
        uint256 performanceFeeSplit;


  • recipient is the address of the fee recipient

  • managementFeeSplit is the share of the recipient on the management fee (in bps)

  • performanceFeeSplit is the share of the recipient on the performance fee (in bps)

The sum of all managementFeeSplit and the sum of all performanceFeeSplit must be 100 * 10^decimal.

Last updated