Babylon (BABY)







Stake activation time

7 BTC blocks ( ~1h50 depending on network activity)

Stake lock-up time

7 days



Rewards frequency




Active set


Min stake amount

0.005 BTC

Max stake amount

5,000 BTC


  • In phase 1 (current phase): No

  • Phase 2: yes, In the event of a safety violation, 1/3 of the Bitcoin stake is slasheable

Relationship between validator stake balance and rewards

Linear. The more stake balance there is on the validator, the more rewards it will earn.

Staking Workflow

How to stake via a UI?

View available options below.

How to integrate staking into a wallet/custodian solution?

In order to stake BTC on Babylon you need to initiate a staking transaction on the Bitcoin blockchain. The components of these transactions are: 1. The Finality Provider information: You will specify which Finality Provider (Validator) you are delegation your staked assets to. 2. A Timelock Transaction: You lock your coins for a specific amount of time. After that amount of time has passed, the coins can be instantly redeemed. 3. Slashing transaction: You pre-sign a transaction that will slash some of your staked coins if an only if your Finality Provider double-signs when securing consumer chains. Please see the wallet integration guide here.

Can I keep staking/unstaking from/to the same wallet?

You can not add to your existing stake position. If you want to stake more, it will have to be through a different position.

Can I select how much of my wallet balance I want to stake?


Can I unstake part of the staked balance?

That functionality is not allowed by the protocol for now.

When can I withdraw my staked BTC?

Either - After redemption, at the end of the timelock period you have set when you initiated the staking action. Funds will instantly be withdrawn. - After you initiate an "unbonding" transaction, which will withdraw your BTC after 7 days.

How to stake

Stake from Kiln Dashboard with Fireblocks

Babylon (BABY)

Stake from Staking Rewards' Webapp

Step 1: Prepare a supported Bitcoin wallet

The Stake App supports the below BTC staking wallets. Install the browser extension for your preferred wallet and deposit your BTC before proceeding to the next step.

And the following hardware wallets

Step 2: Start staking BTC

Navigate to the Kiln’s BTC Staking Interface. The direct link will be:

Step 3: Connect your Bitcoin wallet

Connect your wallet. If you’re visiting the website for the first time, you will need to sign the signature request to get your wallet connected.

Step 4: Enter your BTC amount

Input the amount of BTC you want to stake. During Babylon Phase 1, you have the option to stake between 0.005 and 5,000 BTC per transaction.

Select or switch the address format in your wallet.

Step 5: Determine the transaction fee

Next you can choose to keep the current network fee or prioritize your delegation by increasing the transaction fee.

If your stake arrives after the cap is filled, then it will be in the “overflow” status and you will need to unbond and withdraw your BTC.

Step 6: Stake BTC

Finalize the staking process by clicking “Stake” and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

Step 7: Complete the process

Congratulations you have successfully staked your BTC to Babylon via Kiln’s Finality Provider. You can now track your staked position via the Staking Terminal.

Stake with Fordefi from Babylon's Dashboard

To stake Bitcoin on Babylon with Fordefi, perform the following steps:

  • Make sure you have a Bitcoin vault with a taproot address, and that you have the Bitcoin you want to stake on that address.

  • Open your Fordefi browser extension, click the ☰ button in the top left corner to open the options menu, and toggle on "Impersonate Bitget for Bitcoin."

  • Select the three approval checkboxes.

  • Select Bitget Wallet and click Connect to BTC network.

  • In the list that appears, select your Bitcoin vault and the taproot address and click Connect.

  • Find Kiln's Finality Provider by searching by name, Kiln, or by public key, 053107172a3d5a2715754cd5793efdcf5e54364b855ed2305819e372aa685d76

  • Define the amount you want to stake.

  • Click Preview, review the parameters, and then click Stake.

  • The Fordefi browser extension shows a popup with the details of the transactions. Check the transaction and click Create.

  • Keep the Babylon DApp browser tab open, and sign the transaction in the Fordefi mobile app. If your Transaction Policy requires additional approvers, have them approve the transaction first.

  • Once you sign the transaction in the Fordefi mobile app, the transaction should appear in the Staking history section of the Babylon DApp.

Last updated

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